Pan Intercorp Sakai Jumbo Tosai Growout Update: 9/17/13
I hope that you are doing well and enjoying your summer. This is just a reminder that Pan Intercorp and Sakai will be hosting an event on November 20 for the owners of koi that are participating in the 1st Pan Intercorp Sakai of Hiroshima Jumbo Tosai Growout competition.
This event will take place at Sakai Fish Farms in Hiroshima on November 20th and will feature Certificates, Awards and of course Sakai hospitality.
If you plan to attend and have not yet completed your reservations please call Joel Burkard at 206-769-4950 so we can finalize hotel reservations and arrange for ground transportation.
We have arranged for the group to visit Omosako Koi farm on November 21st, so plan on being in Japan at least from the evening of Nov 19th until the 22nd. If it is your first time traveling to Japan you are welcome to tag along with Zak, who will be departing from Seattle, or with Joel, who will be departing from Honolulu.
Questions? Call Joel at 206-769-4950 or Zak at 800-827-5819